Usage & Attitudes
Understanding the current state of any market is pivotal and a pre-requisite for any decision or action related to a brand, product or service. Our experience in conducting such studies spans more than 20 industry sectors and 80 relevant projects conducted since the year 2004.
We embrace both qualitative and quantitative methods to map out the current market landscape and integrate social listening techniques to inform brands and organizations how the real market situation is reflected and interacts with the digital sphere.
Mapping the Current Situation
Our work focuses on fully identifying current consumer purchasing and usage habits, drivers, and future intentions. These are seamlessly mapped on to the customer journey, mapping the key success factors and obstacles in the consumer purchasing funnel. The range of information and analytical areas is both wide and deep, capturing key insights:
- Category-level drivers, usage penetration and frequency of usage
- Brand-level awareness, consideration, trial, usage, repeat usage, loyalty and brand substitution
- Brand selection drivers and barriers
- Brand imagery
- Attitudes to the category and brand
- Occasions of purchasing and usage drilling down to season of the year, special occasions, days in the week and time in the day
- Sources of purchase
- Occasions of consumption or usage
- Presence of other when purchasing or using
- Pricing aspects
- Future usage intentions

Among others, key ratio indicators derived include:
- Awareness ratio
- Trial Ratio
- Loyalty conversion ratio
- Brand functional index
- Brand emotional index
Competitive Environment
Our approach is strategically designed to deliver the full implications of the competition to a brand or organization. We consistently deliver to brands and organizations clear insights and implications relating to:
- Identification of the key competitors’ strengths and what is driving these
- Missing market gaps not offered by any competitors which can be filled and capitalized on by a brand
- Brand positioning versus the competition
The Power of Underlying Attitudes and Shifting the Paradigm
Mapping of the current market situation in necessary but by no means sufficient when it comes to improving brand performance.
Our experience tells us that efforts to shift consumers to a brand are often inhibited by underlying long-term attitudes and beliefs regarding brands and categories, and indeed the psychographic dispositions of consumers more broadly.
Recognizing this impact, our usage and attitudes studies are unique in identifying and analysing those strategic and communication aspects required to create a paradigm shift for consumers in any market at any given time-point.
We do this through capturing a wide-range of relevant attitudinal and psychographic traits of customers which are then statistically analysed in conjunction with survey data through advanced multivariate analysis.
Our strategic paradigm-shift analysis approach ‘brings forward in time’ opportunities for the brand, rather than waiting for changes to occur in society organically – shaping new opportunities for the brand ahead of competition and removing the carpet below competitors’ current strengths.