Customer Experience
New Perspectives on Customer Experience
We focus on making customers really happy and loyal by giving companies clear plans on how to improve. We’ve helped over 50 big brands by listening to what customers say online and in surveys. Then we fix any issues and create programs to make customers feel special and stick with the brand.
How well is the brand performing today in terms of Customer Satisfaction and Experience?
Historical perceptions and satisfaction are not an adequate indicator for gauging customer satisfaction levels today. Our work on customer experience and on-going exploratory work ensures that the right attributes are measured in the right wave for each industry area specifically, in order to gauge current customer experience and draw actionable insights on customer satisfaction issues at brand level, touch point-level and service or product level, answering key questions:
- How satisfied are customers?
- To what degree would they recommend the brand?
- Is satisfaction for customers seamlessly achieved without requiring extensive effort on the part of customers?
Why is my brand creating a positive or negative experience for customers?
Customer experience is complex, influenced by many factors. We carefully analyze various factors and attributes to measure satisfaction. We consider customer expectations, profiles, and specific experiences. With the rise of digital and physical channels, we measure both to understand interactions fully. Our approach ensures brands get insights to key questions, such as:
- What points in the customer journey are driving or preventing greater satisfaction
- What is the relative impact of quality, customer servicing, pricing, digital, emotional and other dimensions?
- To what degree are expectations are met and why?
- Which are attributes, touch-points and service areas that are creating delight and pain
- Which are the recent negative trigger points?

Creating a positive experience beyond high satisfaction
We provide in-depth insights and actions for brands, guiding them beyond the obvious to delight customers and foster long-term relationships. Using advanced methods like modeling and statistical analysis, we equip brands with actionable insights to address challenges, including:
- Is the experience & involvement of customers sufficient to drive greater loyalty and upselling?
- What is the share of customers who are committed and why?
- How can satisfied customers be converted into truly loyal customers?
- What is the share of customers who are vulnerable and how?
- How can we reduce vulnerability and maximize customer retention?
- Does experience with the brand carry any reputational risks, and how can they be mitigated?
- Is the customer experience positively differentiated vs competition?
The buzz around the Customer Experience
- Net Promoter Score – the likelihood to recommend a brand, service or product
- Digital Mood Score – a measure of the strength of positive or negative sentiment in the digital sphere
- Motivational Analysis – the aspects and topics drawn from customer experience or present on digital channels which will motivate customers to recommend, stay loyal and use more
- Suppression Analysis – identifying negative experience aspects and negative word of mouth online for quick reaction to extinguish negative word of mouth before this amplifies into negative brand perceptions